How to prepare for upcoming The Sandbox Game's LAND Sale

White, 23 Aug 2021

The LAND of The Sandbox Game are sold out quickly. We need preparation to get the LAND we want. I have gathered all information you need.

This guide assumes that you already have Metamask wallet. Let's start!

Register a Sandbox's account

  1. Go to website
  2. Click on "Sign in" and select "Connect your wallet", if you already have a Metamask wallet.
  3. Follow the steps to complete the registration


  1. Set reminder alert for the upcoming land sale
  2. Survey location of land sale, and decide which locations you want
  3. Plan amount and type of land that you want to buy, you will know the total cost. The regular and premium LAND are sold in SAND token, so you have to get them.
  4. Check assosiated fees:
  • Transfer fee

For example, to transfer SAND from Binance to Metamask cost a flat rate of 37 SAND.

  1. Check the current gas price. We have to pay gas fee in ETH, so we have to prepare some ETH as well. I recommend use Fast rate of gas fee plus a little amount of ETH.
  2. If you are not familiar with doing transactions, please learn to do them in advance.

Now, we know estimated amount of SAND and ETH for buying lands. It's time to buy them.

Get ETH and SAND token

  1. Buy ETH and SAND
  2. Transfer to wallet address that you linked to The Sandbox Game
  3. Go to, sign in, then check amount of SAND in the account

It's time!

  1. Be ready about 10-15 minutes before land sale time
  2. Reset your router
  3. Clear your Chrome cache
  4. Sign in to Metamask
  5. Sign in to Sandbox
  6. Time will be count down. Once the time is up, the map will be refresh. You have to pick a land and Click on "Buy LAND"

I hope you get the land you want.